Positions et contributions

Intelligence artificielle (IA)
13.03.2024 | EUROCINEMA signs joint statement on the adoption of the AI Act by the European Parliament
We represent a broad coalition of organisations in Europe’s creative and cultural sectors, including music, visual, audiovisual, and literary authors; press publishers of newspapers, magazines and specialised publications, book, music, academic publishers; recorded music, film and audiovisual producers; publishers of films and audiovisual content online and offline; distributors and photo agencies.
We welcome the approval of the EU AI Act by the European Parliament, and we thank Members of the European Parliament for the essential role they have played in supporting creators and rightsholders throughout the legislative process.
(….) we call on the European Parliament to continue to support the development of responsible and sustainable AI by ensuring that these important rules are put into practice in a meaningful and effective way, aligned with the objectives of the regulation.
Creators and Rightsholders Statement on EU AI ACT – 13 March 2024